Enrichment & Clubs Across Culverstone Green Primary School
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club runs every weekday during term-time from 7.45am to 8.30am.
To book, please go onto Arbor.
Cost is £3 per session.
After School Club
After School Club is available straight after school in the school hall every weekday.
Sessions run from 3.15pm – 6.00pm.
Sessions can be booked using the Arbor App.
Inspire After School Club
This term, these sports clubs are taking place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday straight after school.
- Monday: YR, Y1 & Y2
- Wednesday: Y3 & Y4
- Friday: Y5 & Y6
To book, please contact Inspire Sport directly by phone on 07535-062331 or by email at info@inspiresportskills.com.
School Choir
Tuesday 3.30pm to 4.15pm (Y3 to Y6). Free club. Book on Arbor.
E - Gaming Club
Thursday 3:30pm to 4:15pm. Free club. Book on Arbor.