How can Parents and carers contribute to the success of the Pupil Premium scheme?
Parent support and involvement is a key factor in raising standards. If you would like help or advice in supporting your child, please contact the school office or speak to your child’s class teacher.
As a parent or carer of a child who is entitled to Pupil Premium, parent-teacher consultations will provide a good opportunity to review children’s progress and the intervention strategies that have been used.
If your child is eligible for Free School Meals or is an infant child and part of the Universal Free School Meals, it is worth registering them, even if they are not going to have a school lunch. It will have a direct impact on the funding the school receives, and we will maximise the support we can provide.
Parents can register their child for Free School Meals if they are in receipt of any of the following benefits:
- Income Support.
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance.
- Income-related Employment Support Allowance.
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
- Child Tax Credit, provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income, as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs, that does not exceed £16,190.
- Guarantee element of State Pension Credit.