Relationships, Sex & Health Education

From September 2020, The Department for Education updated their guidance on PSHE and introduced compulsory Relationships Education for primary pupils and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) for secondary pupils.

In the DFE RSHE document (page 23), it states that the Relationships Education, RSE, and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019 have made Relationships Education compulsory in all primary schools.

Sex education is NOT compulsory in primary schools. Primary schools should teach about relationships and health, including puberty and this will be taught through our Jigsaw scheme of work in an age appropriate way. It states that it is important that the transition phase before moving to secondary school supports pupils’ ongoing emotional and physical development effectively.

Therefore, the DFE recommends that all primary schools should have a sex education programme tailored to the age and the physical and emotional maturity of out pupils.

Therefore, in Year 6, children will be taught the ‘human reproduction’ lessons in ‘The Changing Me’ Puzzle.

These will include:

  • Having a baby – How a baby is conceived (animations used – the Female Reproductive System).
  • Conception – Understanding the place of sexual intercourse in a relationship and how it can lead to conception and the wonder of new life (animations used – the Female and the Male Reproductive Systems).
  • Conception to birth – The story of pregnancy and birth (animations used – The Female and Male Reproductive Systems).

As this is classified as ‘Human Reproduction’ and will form part of our schools sex education programme, parents can request their children are withdrawn from all or part of these lessons.

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