Our aim is to deliver a quality broad and rich curriculum that develops children’s confidence and independence for learning in order for them to develop intellectually, culturally, emotionally, spiritually and sociably.
Our staff share the ethos that we put the needs of every child at the heart of everything we think, say and do. At Culverstone Green, the curriculum is designed to give every child the opportunity to fulfil their potential, flourish as individuals who are prepared for the next stage of their life and to grow as responsible citizens and lifelong learners.
It has been designed to meet the individual needs of our pupils, as well as representing our local community and wider society. Our curriculum is underpinned by our school values and is designed to teach and embed these.
We believe these core values support our pupils in their lives and in wider society as they grow and develop as unique individuals.
We believe all children should be equipped with skills and knowledge which provide strong foundations in order for children to develop depth in their learning; each year prepares children for the next and future learning.
It develops their problem solving skills, articulation of understanding and opinions, reasoning skills, critical thinking and applying skills and knowledge independently.
This year the staff agreed on a set of pedagocial principles to ensure the best teaching and learning in every lesson. These are our Culverstone Pillars of Effective Teaching and Learning. They support our teachers and ensure we plan and deliver high quality lessons. You will see a copy of the pillars below.
The curriculum at Culverstone Green has been designed for our children to learn the knowledge, understanding and skills as set out by the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage.
It has been created with the needs and interests of our pupils in mind, however within this there is flexibility so that it can be adapted to reflect current world events. It is progressive, sequential and skills based, challenging thinking and ideas of our pupils so that they have opportunities to focus on their place in the world, the people within our world, now and in the past, and our impact on the world.
The curriculum has been adapted to ensure strong foundations but also to provide a depth of knowledge and to embed understanding long term. The EYFS learning journey can be found here.
To support our implementation we use White Rose Maths to support our Maths curriculum, KAPOW to support Foundation subjects and PSHE Association for our trust agreed PSHE scheme.
We incorporate SMSC, British Values and our school values into our curriculum. Our curriculum has been designed with equality, inclusivity and diversity in mind and our topics are taught using quality core texts in English to support the understanding of new vocabulary and key knowledge and understanding. Culverstone Green believes passionately in developing the whole child and equipping pupils with the skills they need to be able to grasp the challenges and opportunities of life.
Culverstone is a values-driven school with our six values of: Respect, Equality, Awareness, Collaboration, Courage and Resilience at the heart of our curriculum and daily school life. This enables pupils and our school to live our values and see them in all aspects of what we do, for example: our learning behaviour systems, our earning behaviours and our provision and support.
The assembly programme begins each new term with a focus on a new school value to explore what that means for our school and for each person as part of our school community.
Culverstone has a strong outdoor learning provision, through outdoor learning opportunities provided termly, physical team skills, orienteering and gardening which enables pupils to engage with nature and their outdoor environment. It enables pupils to develop a range of skills including social and emotional skills, team work, resilience, sense of worth, improved wellbeing, safe risk taking and communication skills.
If you would like further information on the curriculum, please speak to your child’s class teacher.